TMBG on KMSU ~ Hour 1
HEY EVERYONE! Your TMBG requests can be accepted by TEXT ONLY at 507-389-5678. Commenting here or anywhere else online will NOT get your request into Shelley’s hands ~ she will only be monitoring KMSU’s texting machine. And besides, every text gets Mancamp (the hamster who runs KMSU’s texting machine) a treat, so you’ll be helping a tiny mammal out!
Songs played from 6-7 AM Central; listen now at KMSU 89.7 FM
1. Meet James Ensor (Tom&Chan, Fairmont, MN, USA)
2. Subliminal (Cape Girardeau, MO, USA)
3. I’ll Be Haunting You (Mrs. D, Dallas, TX, USA)
4. I Can’t Remember the Dream (Dessa, VA, USA)
5. Sensurround (Stella, Sweden, dedicated to her baby belly)
6. A Self Called Nowhere (Maurice, Estonia)
7. Why Did You Grow A Beard? (Elizabeth and Zeke Rat, Cardiff, Wales)
8. Careful What You Pack (Luke, Westchester, NY, USA)
9. Roy G Biv (Hezekiah, Fairmont, MN, USA)
10. I Am A Paleontologist (Ezra, Fairmont, MN, USA)
11. Particle Man (Lilly, Lake Crystal, MN, USA)
12. Robot Parade (Adult Version) (Alex, Lake Crystal, MN, USA)
13. Here Come the ABCs (Harper, Lake Crystal, MN, USA)
14. Number Two (Liz, Lake Crystal, MN, USA)