They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants ~ 12 hours of TMBG on the radio by global request @ KMSU 89.7 FM Mankato, Minnesota, USA and ~ November 14, 2025, 6am-6pm Central


KMSU 89.7 FM

Big ideas, Real world thinkin'

Everybody knows that WFMU is the greatest radio station in America. But KMSU is a strong contender for second place.

Simply put, They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants wouldn't exist without KMSU 89.7 The Maverick, on the campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato.

It's public radio, but it's not part of Big Public Radio. This is a community-supported, mom 'n' pop-type station, operating on a limited budget but filled with passionate volunteers and music geek DJs. There are syndicated shows to fill in the schedule, but the heart of KMSU is regular folks playing the music that makes them happy... and that's a beautiful thing. (Check out the current schedule -- it's got something for everybody!)

If you're reading this, you're probably a pretty big TMBG fan. So here's the question: If you called up your radio station and said, "Hey, would you play They Might Be Giants... for 12 hours straight?" what do you think the response would be? KMSU's answer was HELL YEAH. How cool is that?


  • ON A RADIO: Be located somewhere in south central Minnesota or north central Iowa, then tune your radio to 89.7 FM.

  • ON A COMPUTER: Point your browser to then click the "LISTEN LIVE" button.

  • ON A SMARTPHONE: Install the free KMSU streaming app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store! (It lets you listen to the livestream & play shows on-demand!)

  • ON A SMART HOME SPEAKER: Scream “HEY GOOGLE!” or “ALEXA!” or something into the void, followed by “PLAY KMSU THE MAVERICK!”
