TMBG on KMSU ~ Marathon Playlist Preview
HEY EVERYONE! Your TMBG requests can be accepted ONLY by TEXT to KMSU during the marathon. Commenting here or anywhere else online will NOT get your request into Shelley’s hands ~ she will only be monitoring KMSU’s texting machine. And besides, every text gets Mancamp (the hamster who runs KMSU’s texting machine) a treat, so you’ll be helping a tiny mammal out!
ALSO: Please don’t text requests early; you’ll probably just bug all of KMSU’s other hosts & have your texts deleted. Save ‘em up! :)
We’re shaking things up!
For several years we’ve “live tweeted” KMSU’s They Might Be Giants marathon playlist & retweeted listener photos shared throughout the day. For the TMBPTMBG 10th anniversary we’re bringing this stuff into our website, giving us more flexibility & improving cross-platformality (that’s probably a word).
The Playlist!
Real-time playlist updates will be posted here at — still grouped by hour, with the song titles plus name of the requester & where they’re from. The new system will let us easily correct mistakes (!!!) AND you can leave comments, which is nice. (Did you hear your song played? Leave a comment!)
Your photos!
You can also still share your photos! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Threads, the Fediverse, or Tumblr — @TMBGdotLOVE — and we’ll add your TMBPTMBG pics to a special page on this website. If you’re not on social media you can email ask AT with the subject “Pics”.
Sharing is caring!
Finally as you can see above the comments, this site provides share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Reddit & Tumblr, and you can obviously also copy/paste URLs to any platform you’re on. We’d love for you to share these playlists and whatnot throughout the marathon to help increase awareness. It may seem hard to believe, but there are still TMBG fans in the world who HAVEN’T heard of KMSU yet! :)
Thanks for being part of the They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants community — we’re glad you’re here, and we can’t wait for this year’s show!