TMBG on KMSU ~ Hour 7
HEY EVERYONE! Your TMBG requests can be accepted by TEXT ONLY at 507-389-5678. Commenting here or anywhere else online will NOT get your request into Shelley’s hands ~ she will only be monitoring KMSU’s texting machine. And besides, every text gets Mancamp (the hamster who runs KMSU’s texting machine) a treat, so you’ll be helping a tiny mammal out!
Songs played from Noon-1 PM Central; listen now at KMSU 89.7 FM
74. Moving To The Sun (Chris, Maple Shade, NJ, USA)
75. Fingertips (James, Mankato, MN, USA)
76. Darling, The Dose (Steven, OH, USA)
77. Say Nice Things About Detroit (Paul and Igor in the Ann Arbor Film Equipment Room at the University of Michigan, MI, USA)
78. Dinner Bell (Phil, Naperville, IL, USA)
79. Welcome To The Jungle (Elizabeth, Buffalo, NY, USA)
80. She Was A Hotel Detective (Back to Skull Version) (Simon, London, UK and Matthew, London, ON, Canada)
81. The Cap’m (Patrick, NJ, USA)
82. Lines Upon A Tranquil Brow (Henrieke, The Netherlands)
83. This Microphone (Amber, Avoca, IA, USA)
84. Pet Name (Anna, FL, USA)
85. Synopsis For Latecomers (Ava, undisclosed location)
86. Oranges (Noah, Eagle Mountain, UT, USA)