TMBG on KMSU ~ Hour 11
HEY EVERYONE! Your TMBG requests can be accepted by TEXT ONLY at 507-389-5678. Commenting here or anywhere else online will NOT get your request into Shelley’s hands ~ she will only be monitoring KMSU’s texting machine. And besides, every text gets Mancamp (the hamster who runs KMSU’s texting machine) a treat, so you’ll be helping a tiny mammal out!
Songs played from 4-5 PM Central; listen now at KMSU 89.7 FM
117. Dirt Bike (Calcium, Fargo, ND, USA)
118. LMNO (Amy, NY, USA)
119. Ecnalubma (Hudson, Airdrie, AB, Canada)
120. Brain Problem Situation (Curtis, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
121. Birdhouse In Your Soul (Tonight Show Version) (Robin, KY, USA)
122. Why Does The Sun Really Shine? (Anika, Mankato, MN, USA)
123. Seven (Lisa, New Berlin, WI, USA)
124. I Blame You (Jonah, St Paul, MN, USA)
125. Bills, Bills, Bills (Shar, Oak Park, IL, USA)
126. To A Forest (Seb, PA, USA)
127. The Neck Rolls Aren’t Working (Chuck, Whitsett, NC, USA)
128. My Evil Twin (John of Miscellaneous T fame, Brooklyn, NY, USA)
129. Mr. Klaw (Riley, MI, USA)
130. Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal (Clare, CA, USA)
131. Twisting (Rae, London, UK)