Fan Photos from TMBPTMBG 2019!

Been listening since 6 am!

In my classroom! Hyde Park, NY

Valencia,Spain! Mrs. Modern Garage

This is Münster. I'm just sitting in the TMBG corner of my room.

Mount Pleasant South Carolina!

listening to john linnell thru my ears while doing uni work and i am so full of joy HASHTAG best day of the year better than christmas END HASHTAG @TMBGdotLOVE #tmbptmbg

@TMBGdotLOVE if you ever need to remember the lyrics, use this handy dandy screensaver.

@TMBGdotLOVE Listening to #TMBPTMBG and trying to wake up!

About to leave for work in Los Alamos NM

...this is me listening at work! Shout out to @abigailbash who made the @ThisMightBeAPod sticker on my laptop!

@TMBGdotLOVE listening to #TMBPTMBG from the comforts of my dorm room ((until my next class))

Waiting for the bus and feeling sad because she has to go to school instead of listening to They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants all day. #TMBPTMBG @TMBGdotLOVE @tmbg

Grading essays at home today in Los Angeles

@TMBGdotLOVE Lucinda says thank you for playing her song :) (she's pretty much been dancing nonstop)

In the MHC!

@TMBGdotLOVE Listening on the subway in Brooklyn! (where signal is available.)

This is the outpatient chemotherapy room where my husband will spend the next few hours. But get your fingers away from that "sad" reaction emoji. We are fighting this mother clucker and we are going to win!

Mankato MN - stuck at my desk all day

The weather here is rather bad. No rain, but somehow depressing. Gotta listen to TMBG the whole day to endure it.

I don’t want this day to be over... @TMBGdotLOVE #TMBPTMBG

In my office cubicle in a museum in Washington DC (you can see I have no problem putting my geekiness on display). Thank you for doing this show! I'm jamming through my whole workday!

In my office chair in my apartment, while my cat poaches cereal milk

A view from my office window.

Listening to @tmbg being spun by @TMBGdotLOVE from here in my home office in Minneapolis.

9:30pm here in the UK. In my PJs with a glass of wine listening to #TMBPTMBG by @TMBGdotLOVE #birdhouseinyoursoul

@TMBGdotLOVE My listening view... Which I also call my backyard.

I keep recycling the TMBG calendar from 2017/18 in my office. Also have the Xmas card/bumper sticker in here. @TMBGdotLOVE

@TMBGdotLOVE Have all my tapes!

Listening all day to @tmbg on @TMBGdotLOVE ! Currently tuned in at the office, should make for a quick work day

@TMBGdotLOVE Hugs and waves from Jake Watson and Charles Davis at Low Country Volkswagen in Charleston, SC!

@TMBGdotLOVE Thanks for guiding me through the majority of my workday. Time to close the browser and head home now!

Time for #dinnerForDJO , listening to @TMBGdotLOVE . Still two hours to go.

Brekkie is better with They Might Be Giants! @TMBGdotLOVE and this is a really great breakfast!!!

Hi @TMBGdotLOVE! We're baking cookies while singing along with you all

This doesn't meet the criteria for @TMBGdotLOVE's colouring competition but our 13 year old did a great job on this one.

@TMBGdotLOVE You guys asked if anyone was crafting while tuned in, and I'm enjoying the show while working on a scarf!! Also yes, I put this shirt on just for the stream.

@TMBGdotLOVE Update no one asked for but I feel obliged to give anyway: got bored of knitting, needle felted a blue canary instead!

@TMBGdotLOVE My listening view; yes, that is my cat’s butt-

@TMBGdotLOVE Oh boy am I ever crafting! It’s tea towel day.

My art of TMBG💞💞💞 #tmbptmbg @TMBGdotLOVE

@TMBGdotLOVE My plan again this year was to work on a painting while listening, but I got up late and have yet to start- but here are some sketches I made earlier this year!

painting the maps just to pass the time; behold the tiny giant squid @TMBGdotLOVE

@TMBGdotLOVE My plan again this year was to work on a painting while listening, but I got up late and have yet to start- but here are some sketches I made earlier this year!

@TMBGdotLOVE My plan again this year was to work on a painting while listening, but I got up late and have yet to start- but here are some sketches I made earlier this year!

My art of TMBG💞💞💞 #tmbptmbg @TMBGdotLOVE

@TMBGdotLOVE here’s a TMBG doodle for no reason.

@TMBGdotLOVE My plan again this year was to work on a painting while listening, but I got up late and have yet to start- but here are some sketches I made earlier this year!

Catching the last bit of @TMBGdotLOVE and working on a silly piece of fan art…

@TMBGdotLOVE listening and working away in bed! Not pictured is my dog also tuning in for #tmbptmbg

These guys are watching me listen to @TMBGdotLOVE and @tmbg

#TMBPTMBG @TMBGdotLOVE My @tmbg tattoos (so far!)

#TMBPTMBG @TMBGdotLOVE My @tmbg tattoos (so far!)

@TMBGdotLOVE “but I’d rather be whistling in the dark”

@TMBGdotLOVE Inspired by TMBG



@TMBGdotLOVE my view:

@TMBGdotLOVE My tattoo commemorating my passed loved cat Hattie (she had a curly question mark tail) and the TMBG videos I watched during late nights to feel okay while sad and missing her.

@TMBGdotLOVE Here’s my @tmbg tattoo! Make a little birdhouse in your soul!

@TMBGdotLOVE My other tattoo is They Might Be Giants

Over the course of They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants 2019, a lot of folks shared pics of where they were and what they were doing while listening to 12 hours of TMBG on KMSU -- including making all sorts of amazing arts and crafts, and even showing off some seriously sweet ink. Check it out!