Announcing the 2019 #TheyMightBeColoring contest winners!
People’s Choice Awards
Congratulations to @badweatherfrend for being the top vote-getter in both the U.S. map and World map categories! They really made an impression with their outside-the-box creativity!
U.S. map submission from @badweatherfrend
World map submission from @badweatherfrend
D.J.s’ Choice Awards
We literally couldn’t just pick one, so we wanted to reward everyone who took the time to participate in our silly little contest. Nice job to @greenghoulie, @mojochessmaster, @seymourgalore, @PenguinPhoenixE, Charles Davis, and @jacytracks!
U.S. maps
U.S. map submission from @greenghoulie
U.S. map submission from @mojochessmaster
U.S. map submission from @seymourgalore
World maps
World map submission from @PenguinPhoenixE
World map submission from Charles Davis
World map submission from @jacytracks
Random Voter Awards
We also randomly selected four contest voters (among those who shared their contact information) to receive prizes:
Branwyn Phillips
Wendy Beck
Lou Reid
Michael Valencic
Congratulations everyone!
All of our contest winners will receive an exclusive “Ask Me About They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants” button, not available in any store but maybe someday who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks to all who submitted artwork, as well as everyone who voted. Your participation in our TMBG day is what makes They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants so much fun each year!
We’ll let the winners know when their buttons are in the mail. Cheers!